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Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used to protect passengers, staff and aircraft using the airport from dangerous accidents/danger, crime, and other threats.

Aviation security is a combination of human and material resources to protect civil aviation against unlawful interference. Unlawful interference may include acts of terrorism, sabotage, threats to life and property, communication of false threats, bombings, etc.

Video Airport security


A large number of people pass through the airport every day. This presents a potential target for terrorism and other forms of crime because of the number of people who are in one place. Similarly, high concentrations of people on large planes, the potential for high mortality rates with attacks on aircraft, and the ability to use hijacked planes as lethal weapons can provide an alluring target for terrorism.

Airport security is trying to prevent any threats or potentially dangerous situations from emerging or entering the country. If airport security is unsuccessful then the possibility of dangerous situations, illegal goods or the threat of entering a plane, country or airport is greatly reduced. Thus, airport security serves several purposes: To protect airports and countries from threatening events, to convince traveling people that they are safe and to protect the country and its people.

Monte R. Belger of the US Federal Aviation Administration noted "The purpose of aviation security is to prevent harm to aircraft, passengers and crew, as well as to support national security and counter-terrorism policies."

Maps Airport security

Airport enforcement authorities

While some countries may have agents that protect all of their airports (such as Australia, where the Australian Federal Police oversees the airport), in other countries protection is controlled at the state or local level. Major personnel will vary and may include:

  • Police hire and dedicated to the airport eg. Ireland Airport Police Service
  • Branch (substation) from the local police department stationed at the airport
  • Members of the local police department assigned to the airport as a normal patrol area
  • Member of a country's airport protection service
  • Police dog services for explosives detection, drug detection and other purposes

Other resources may include:

  • Security officer
  • Paramilitary troops
  • Military forces

Less Time at Airport Security - Gadgets and Tips

Process and tools

Several incidents were the result of travelers carrying weapons or goods that could be used as weapons in aircraft so they could hijack the plane. Travelers is filtered by metal detector . The explosive detection machines used include the X-ray machine and the tracing portal tracking machine (a.k.a. "puffer machine"). In the United States, TSA is working on a new scanning machine that is still effectively searching for objects that are not allowed on the plane but it does not describe the passengers in a state of dis dressing that some people think is embarrassing. The blast detection machine can also be used for both luggage and checked baggage. It detects volatile compounds that are released from explosives using gas chromatography.

The latest development is the controversial use of backscatter X rays to detect hidden weapons and explosives on passengers. This device, which uses Compton scattering, requires passengers to stand close to flat panels and produce high-resolution images. A technology released in Israel in early 2008 allows passengers to pass through metal detectors without removing their shoes, the process required as a gate detector is unreliable in detecting metal in shoes or on lower extremities. Alternately, the passengers go completely to a device that scans in less than 1.2 seconds for objects as small as a razor blade. In some countries, specially trained individuals can engage passengers in conversations to detect threats rather than rely solely on equipment to find threats.

A single backscatter scan exposes the target to between 0.05 and 0.1 microsievert radiation. For comparison, the exposure of a standard chest x-ray is almost 100 times higher.

Generally people are filtered through airport security to the areas where the gates exit to the plane are located. These areas are often called "safe", "sterile" and airborne. Passengers are discharged from the aircraft to the sterile area so they usually do not need to be re-filtered if they get off the domestic flights; but they can still be traced anytime. The airport food outlets have started using plastic cups and appliances compared to glass made glass and metal tools to reduce the use of items such as weapons.

In the United States non-passengers have been allowed in concourses to meet friends who arrived or relatives at their gates, but these are now severely restricted due to terrorist attacks. Non-passengers should get a gate pass to enter the airport's secure area. The most common reason that non-passengers can obtain a gate pass is to help children and parents as well as attend business meetings taking place in a secure area at the airport. In the United States, at least 24 hour notice is generally required for those planning to attend business meetings within the airport's secure area. Other countries, such as Australia, do not restrict non-travelers from accessing airspace, but non-travelers are usually subjected to the same security scans as travelers.

Sensitive areas at airports, including airport ramps and operational spaces, are restricted from the general public. Called SIDA (Security Identification Display Area), these rooms require special entry qualifications. The system may consist of physical access control gateways or passive systems that monitor people moving through restricted areas and provide warnings if restricted areas are entered.

Around the world, there are several dozen airports that have implemented a version of "trusted travel programs". Advocates argue that security checks can be made more efficient by detecting people who are a threat and then looking for them. They argue that searching for a trusted and verified individual should not take the required amount of time. Critics argue that such programs reduce security by providing an easier way to commit offenses.

Another important security measure used by some regional and international airports is the optical fiber perimeter detection system. This security system allows airport security to locate and detect intrusions at the airport perimeter, ensuring direct direct intrusion notifications, enabling security personnel to assess threats and track movement and involve necessary security procedures. It has been used at Dulles International Airport and JFPASS US Military.

The Science of Airport Security - YouTube

The famous incident

The world's first terrorist attack on the flight was the Cuban Flight 455 on October 6, 1976, when a plane flying from Barbados to Jamaica was dropped by two time bombs, killing 73 people. Existing evidence implies some Cuban exiles who are driven by the Central Anti-Castro Agency and members of the Venezuelan secret police, DISIP, including Luis Posada Carriles.

The single most lethal plane crash that resulted from the failure of airport security to detect the onboard bomb was Air India Flight 182 in 1985, which killed 329 people.

Another onboard bomb that escaped airport security was at Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988, which killed 270 people; 259 on board, and 11 in Lockerbie, Scotland.

Another noteworthy failure was the 1994 Philippine Airlines Flight 434 bombing, which turned out to be a test for a planned terrorist attack called Operation Bojinka. The explosion was small, killing one person, and the plane made an emergency landing. Bojinka's operation was discovered and thwarted by Manila police in 1995.

On May 30, 1972, three members of the Japanese Red Army committed a terrorist attack, popularly known as the Lod Airport massacre, at Lod Airport, now known as Ben Gurion International Airport, in Tel Aviv. Firing indiscriminately with automatic firearms and throwing grenades, they managed to kill 24 people and injure 78 others before being neutralized (one of them through suicide). One of the three terrorists, Kozo Okamoto, survived the incident.

The attacks of Rome and Vienna airports in December 1985 are two more examples of airport security failures. The attack killed 20 people were killed when gunmen threw grenades and fired at tourists at the El Al flight ticket counter.

The September 11 attacks are the most recognizable terrorist attacks in recent times involving air travel. On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 members of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group controlled four aircraft on the east coast of the United States and deliberately crashed the two towers at the World Trade Center tower in New York City and the third became the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia. The fourth aircraft crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, did not reach Washington, D.C., for the intended target, either on the US Capitol or the White House. The attack resulted in the death of 2,996 people, including 245 civilians and law enforcement officers and 19 hijackers on four planes.

On July 5, 2002, a gunman opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport (El Ticket Counter Israel). Gunmen killed two people and injured four others.

On August 10, 2006, security at airports in the UK, Canada and the United States increased significantly as it was revealed by the British authorities of a terror plot aimed at detonating liquid explosives on flights originating from these countries. This is also notable because it is the first time that the US Warning Terror Level ever reaches "red". This incident also caused strict restrictions to carry liquids and gels in handbags in the EU, Canada, and the United States.

How to Breeze Through Airport Security | Regency Transportation

Airport security by country


All restrictions involving airport security are determined by Canadian Transport and some are implemented by the Canadian Air Transportation Security Authority (CATSA) in conjunction with the Airport Operator. Since the September 11 attacks, as well as the 1985 Air India bombing and other incidents, airport security has been tightened in Canada to prevent any attacks on Canadian Airspace.

CATSA uses an x-ray machine to verify the contents of all luggage as well as metal detectors, explosion detection equipment (ETD) and random passenger physical search at the pre-board filtering point. X-ray machines, CTX machines, high-resolution x-rays and ETD are also used to scan checked bags. All checked luggage is always on-x-ray at all major commercial airports.

CATSA launched the Limited Area Identity Card (RAIC) program in January 2007. RAIC is the world's first dual biometric access control system for airports. This program replaces the Limited Airport Area issued by airport employees after security checks by the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency, Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Transport Canada with new cards (issued after the same inspection) containing biometric information (fingerprints and iris scans ) belonging to the person who issued the RAIC.

While CATSA is responsible for pre-passenger views and random non-passenger disguises, they undertake third-party "providers" such as G4S, Securitas and GardaWorld to train, manage, and hire screening officers. In addition, individual airport authorities privatized in the 1990s by the Canadian Government are responsible for general airport security than CATSA and usually contract to private companies and in the case of large airports, paying a small amount of local police to stay on site as well.

Safety and security at Canadian airports is provided by local police forces. RCMP was once used to provide this service in most airports, but remains so for just a few days:

  • Vancouver International Airport - Richmond RCMP detachment
  • Calgary International Airport - Calgary Police Service Unit (1997)
  • Edmonton International Airport - Release Edmonton RCMP International Airport
  • Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport - Winnipeg Police Service (1997)
  • Toronto Pearson International Airport - Peel Regional Police Airport Division (1997) with assistance from Toronto RCMP Airport detachment
  • Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport - Ottawa Airport Service Police Department (1997)
  • International Airport Montrà ©  © al-Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Airport of the Montreal Police Service Unit with assistance from the RCMP Airport Unit
  • Halifax Stanfield International Airport - Halifax Regional Police

European Union

Regulation (EC) No 300/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council establishes general rules in the EU to protect civil aviation against unlawful interference. Regulatory requirements apply to all airports or parts of airports located in EU countries that are not used exclusively for military purposes. The provisions also apply to all operators, including airlines, providing services at those airports. This also applies to all entities located within or outside the location of the airport providing services to the airport. The regulatory standard 300/2008 is implemented by the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1998.

Regulation No. 2320/2002 of 2002 introduced the requirement to have security checks for all passenger flights, as well as domestic. Some EU countries do not have checks for domestic flights until about 2005 (introducing full security checks takes a long time because the terminals may need expansion).


Passengers, baggage checks and security checks of goods and duties of security guards are left to contractors. General public security is the responsibility of the Finnish Police, which has an airport unit at Helsinki Airport. Airport units have criminal investigations, dogs and TEPO (terrorists and bombs), and PTR intelligence components (police, customs and border guards). In addition, the Finnish Border Guard units unit at the airport often captured individuals or wanted fugitives on the border, and the Finnish Customs confiscated for example. weapons, false documents or explosives other than the person sought.


French security has been enhanced since the terrorist attacks in France in 1986. In response France established the Vigipirate program. The program uses troops to strengthen local security and improve requirements in inspection and inspection of IDs. Since 1996, security checkpoints have been moved from Nationale Police/Gendarmerie de l'Air to private companies hired by airport authorities.


As a member of the European Economic Area, Iceland has adopted EC No 300/2008 regulation into national law and thus complies with EU standards on airport security for all international flights. Domestic flights within the Iceland region are exempt from security rules. The exceptions were granted by the EEA Joint Committee by citing the country's geographical isolation as well as the low population density and small size of aircraft used in domestic operations.


Airport security in the Netherlands is provided by Koninklijke Marechaussee (KMar), Royal Military Constabulary.


Airport security in Spain is provided by police forces, as well as private security guards. The PolicÃÆ'a Nacional provides public security as well as passports (at international airports) and documentation checks. In Catalonia and the Basque Country, Mossos d'Esquadra and Ertzaintza, respectively, have replaced PolicÃÆ'a Nacional except for documentation functions. The Guardia Civil handles security and customs checks, often assisted by private security officers. The local police provided security and traffic controls outside the airport building.

The security measures are controlled by Aena state-owned enterprises, and are bound by the European Commission Regulation, as in other EU countries.


Airport security is handled by the security guards provided by the airport itself, with the help of the police if needed. Airport fire fighters are also security guards. The Swedish Transport Agency decides the rules for examination, based on international regulations. Airports are generally defined by law as "protected objects", which give the guards extra authority, such as demanding identity documents and searching for people's belongings. Sweden has traditionally viewed itself as a low-crime country with little need for security checks. Sweden introduced security checks for international departures when international regulations demanded that around the 1970s/1980s. In September 2001, there was a decision to introduce security checks as well for domestic flights. It takes several years to be carried out because the domestic airport and terminal are not ready with the room for this.

United Kingdom

The Department of Transport (DfT) is the governing authority for airport security in the United Kingdom, with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) also responsible for certain security regulatory functions. In September 2004, with Home Office, DfT initiated an initiative called "Multi Agency Threat and Risk Assessment" (MATRA), which was piloted at five major UK airports - Heathrow, Birmingham, East Midlands Airport, Newcastle and Glasgow. After a successful trial, the scheme has now been launched in all 44 airports.

Since the September 11 attacks in New York, Britain has been rated a high-risk country because of its support for the United States in both the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Starting January 7, 2008, tourists are no longer confined to one luggage in most major UK airports. Today, handbags are not limited by size or weight by DfT/CAA, although most airlines impose their own rules.

The UK tested a controversial new method of checking passengers to further improve airport security using an X-ray backscatter machine that provides a 360-degree view of a person, as well as "seeing" under clothing, down to the skin and bones. They are no longer used and replaced by a millimeter wave scanner that shows hidden items while not showing the passenger body.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong International Airport is guaranteed by Hong Kong Police and Aviation Security Company (AVSECO). In the police force, the District Airport is responsible for the security and security of the airport area. Airport Security Units are deployed around airports and armed with H & amp; K MP5 A3 sub-machine gun and Glock pistol 17. Forbidden area security is the responsibility of police and AVSECO.

While the airport is under the control of the Hong Kong Airport Authority (AAHK), security forces have been delegated to AVSECO staff. All persons and baggages brought by them must be X-Ray and checked at AVSECO security check points (with some exceptions in Restricted Area Tenant).

The Immigration Department will check passport and other identity passports, while the Customs and Excise Department will inspect passengers and luggage to prevent smuggling of drugs and smuggled goods from entering Hong Kong.


India increased its air security after the 1999 Kandahar hijack. The Central Industrial Security Force, a paramilitary organization, is responsible for airport security under the regulatory framework of the Civil Aviation Bureau of Civil Aviation. CISF established Airport Security Group to protect Indian airports. Each airport has now been given the APSU (Airport Security Unit), a unit trained to counter unlawful interference with civil aviation. Regardless of the CISF, every domestic airline has a security group that keeps the aircraft safe.

The threat of terrorists and narcotics is a major threat in Indian airports. Another problem facing several airports is the proliferation of slums around airport borders in places like Mumbai. Before boarding, an additional search of hand luggage is possible. In addition, in addition to this, the CISF has many other tasks in the context of aviation security. Security and screening is carried out by Regulated Agents or aviation and airport security staff 'themselves that have been tested and certified by the Civil Aviation Security Bureau (BCAS), the aviation security regulator.


El Al Airlines is headquartered in Israel. The latest hijack occurred on July 23, 1968, and no aircraft departed from Ben Gurion Airport, just outside Tel Aviv, which had been hijacked.

It was in 1972 that terrorists from the Japanese Red Army launched an attack that caused the death of at least 24 people at Ben Gurion. Since then, airport security has depended on a number of fundamentals, including a heavy focus on what Raphael Ron, the former security director at Ben Gurion, the term "human factor", may be generalized as "the inevitable fact that terrorist attacks are perpetrated by people which can be found and stopped by an effective security methodology. "

On December 27, 1985, terrorists simultaneously attacked El Al's ticket counter at Rome, Italy and Vienna airports, Austria using machine guns and hand grenades. Nineteen civilians were killed and many wounded. In response, Israel developed further methods to stop the massacre and drastically stepped up security measures around Israeli airports and even promised to provide armed guards in plainclothes at every foreign airport. The last successful terrorist attack on the airline was in 1986, when a security agent found a suitcase full of explosives during the initial screening process. While the bag did not make it on the board, it wounded 13 after it detonated at the terminal.

As part of its focus on the so-called "human factor," Israeli security officials interrogate travelers using racial profiles, alienating people who appear to be Arabs by name or physical appearance. In addition, all passengers, even those who did not seem to be of Arab descent, were asked why they traveled to Israel, followed by some general questions about travel to look for inconsistencies. Although many civil rights groups have demanded an end to the creation of the profile, Israel declares that it is effective and inevitable. According to Ariel Merari, an expert on Israeli terrorism, "it would be foolish not to use profiles when everyone knows that most terrorists are from certain ethnic groups." They tend to be Muslim and young, and potential threats justify the discomfort of certain ethnic groups. "

Passengers leaving Israel are checked with a computerized list. The computers, run by the Israeli Interior Ministry, are connected to Israeli police, the FBI, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), Scotland Yard, Shin Bet and Interpol to arrest suspects or others abandoning the country illegally.

Despite the very tight security, an incident occurred on November 17, 2002, in which a man appeared to slip through airport security at Ben Gurion Airport with a folding knife and attempted to storm the cockpit of El Al Flight 581 en route from Tel Aviv to Istanbul, Turkey. While no injuries were reported and the attacker was subdued by a guard hidden between passengers 15 minutes before the plane landed safely in Turkey, authorities closed down Ben Gurion for some time after the attack to reassess the security situation and the investigation opened to determine how people that, an Arab Israeli, managed to smuggle a knife past airport security.

At a conference in May 2008, US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff told Reuters interviewers that the United States would seek to adopt some Israeli security measures at domestic airports. He left his post in January 2009, just 6 months after this statement, which may or may not be enough time to apply it.

In a more limited focus, the American airport has turned to the Israeli government and Israeli-run companies to help improve security in the post-9/11 world. Israeli officials toured the Los Angeles airport in November 2008 to reevaluate the airport after making recommendations for increased security in 2006. Calling Ben Gurion "the safest airport in the world," Antonio Villaraigosa, the mayor of Los Angeles, has implemented an Israeli review to bring state technology -of-the-art and other tactical measures to help secure LAX, is considered the country's main terrorist target and selected by the Al-Qaeda network. The New Age Security Solution, led by former security director at Ben Gurion and Washington-based D.C., consults on aviation security at Boston's Logan International Airport.

Other US airports include Israeli tactics and systems including the Port of Oakland and the San Diego County Regional Authority. "Israel is legendary for their security, and this is an opportunity to see firsthand what they do, how they do it and, as importantly, the theory behind it," said Steven Grossman, director of aviation at Port of Oakland. He was very impressed with the explanation given by Israel that he suggested a trip to Israel to the US International Council's Airport branch to gain a deeper understanding of the methods used by Israeli airport security and law enforcement.


In Pakistan Airports Security Force (ASF) is responsible for protecting airports and facilities and aircraft. ASF protects the civil aviation industry against unlawful interference, adopts counter terrorism measures, prevents crime and maintains law and order within the borders of airports in Pakistan.


Security for the country's two international passenger airports is under the scope of the Singapore Police Airport Police Division, although resources are concentrated at Singapore's Changi Airport where passenger traffic is scheduled to dominate. Seletar Airport, which specializes in dealing with unscheduled flights and training, is considered to be less of a security issue. Since the September 11 attacks, and naming Changi Airport as a target of terrorism by Jemaah Islamiyah, airport security has been stepped up.

A patrol team of two soldiers and a police officer armed with automatic weapons patrolled the terminal at random. Passenger departures are checked at the entrance of the gate rather than after immigration clearance unlike Hong Kong International Airport. This security measure is easily seen by the presence of X-ray machines and metal detectors at every gate, which is not usually seen at other airports.

Assisting state organizations, is a security service provided by landmines, from Certis CISCO, SATS Security Services Singapore Airport Terminal Services, and Aetos Security Management Private Limited, formed from the merger of Changi Airport Airport airport airport security. units and other companies to become the only additional police company on the entire island. These officer tasks include baggage sorting and controlling movement to restricted areas.

Since 2005, improved filtering technology and increased security concerns have led to all luggage filtering processes being conducted behind closed doors. There are also plans to install more than 400 cameras to monitor the airport, to prevent a bomb attack similar to the 2005 Songkhla bombing in Southern Thailand where Hat Yai International Airport was targeted. The tender to enter such a system was called in late September 2005.

Since May 8, 2007, a 100-ml fluid restriction has been imposed, following a plot of transatlantic aircraft in 2006. Passengers are advised to check liquids, gels and aerosols above 100 ml, if they fail to be seized by airport security and have to send them back to themselves. Anything within the allowed security area. In general practice, unacceptable materials are also confiscated and must be sent back to yourself (excluding nail clippers, nails, umbrellas and rackets).

United States

Before the 1970s the American airport had minimal security settings to prevent acts of terrorism. Steps were introduced starting in the late 1960s after some high profile piracy.

Sky marshals were introduced in 1970, but there were not enough numbers to protect every flight and piracy continues to happen. On November 10, 1972, three hijackers threatened to fly the Southern Airways Flight 49 plane to a nuclear reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In direct response to this incident, the Federal Aviation Administration required all airlines to start screening their passengers and luggage on January 5, 1973. This screening is generally contracted to private security companies. Private companies will bid on these contracts. The airline which has operational control of the departure concourse controlled by a given checkpoint will hold the contract. Although an airline will control the operation of checkpoints, the supervisory authority is held by the FAA. C.F.R. The limit of volume 14 does not permit the relevant airport authorities to exercise any oversight of checkpoint operations. The 1974 film, The Parallax View, shows the initial airport security checks in operation.

The September 11 attacks pushed tougher regulations, such as limiting the amount and type of goods that passengers could carry on an aircraft and requiring increased scrutiny for passengers who could not show government-issued official identification.

The Aviation and Transportation Security Act generally requires that on November 19, 2002, all passenger filtration must be carried out by Federal employees. As a result, passenger and baggage screening is now provided by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), part of the Department of Homeland Security. Provisions to improve technology for detecting explosives are included in the 2004 Terrorism Prevention Act. Often, security in the category X airport, the largest and busiest US as measured by the volume of passenger traffic, is provided by private contractors. Due to the high volume of passenger traffic, the airport category X is considered a vulnerable target for terrorism.

With increased security checks, some airports see long lines for security checks. To reduce this, the airport creates a Premium line for passengers traveling in First Class or Business Class, or those who are elite members of certain airline Frequent Flyer programs.

"Passenger screening program with observation techniques" (SPOT) operates at several US airports.

United States Incident

  • On February 27, 2006, at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, in an aircraft cargo area (accessible only by authorized personnel), threatening graffiti was discovered.
  • On March 6, 2006, at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, an elderly man drove his car to the runway through two security gates. He made it to an active runway where an Air France plane was preparing to land. The man went around about 23 minutes before being stopped. On the same day a man managed to get into the runway by running through a secure gate when it was opened at Midway International Airport in Chicago. The man made it through one of three perimeter entrances that did not have a camera, so four different runways were closed. This incident caused 222 flight security officers who retrained and redesigned from all the perimeter gates.
  • On March 11, 2006, after four years of continuous security breaches and civil service issues, news reports indicated that federal officials issued security chiefs at Newark Liberty International Airport.
  • On November 1, 2013, a gunman named Paul Anthony Ciancia, 23, shot and killed TSA agent Gerardo I. Hernandez at Terminal 3 security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport. Ciancia then shot two other civilians as he passed the security. He reached the food court behind the terminal where a federal agent tracked him down and shot him. He was then transported to a trauma hospital where he was treated for his injuries and released at the end of November for law enforcement. The incident called for a complete close on the passenger road drop off/departure at the top level of the airport and caused hundreds of flight cancellations across the country, although international flights had no cancellation. Terminals one, two, and three are closed and so are the near runways, 24L and 24R. Flights already in the air and getting ready to land on this runway either directed to the mainland on the southern runway or to divert to Ontario International Airport or Long Beach Airport.

Category X Airports in the United States

Airport Security - YouTube

See also

  • Infrastructure security
  • Security theater

US only:

  • Computer Presisted Receiver Prescreening System
  • Registered Travelers
  • Airport race imaging in the United States
  • Secondary Security Checkup Options
  • Safe Flight

How to Spend Less Time in an Airport Security Line | The WealthAdvisor


Ozzy Man Reviews: Bangkok Airport Security - YouTube

External links

  • Canadian Air Transportation Security Authority
  • Canadian Transport
  • US. FAA
  • US. Transportation Security Administration
  • Sociedad Europea de DetecciÃÆ'³n
  • Indian Aviation Security

Source of the article : Wikipedia
