Senin, 09 Juli 2018

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Key West Seaplane Adventures

Amphibious Aircraft is a powerful, live wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing (down) on the water. Amphibious aircraft that can also take off and land at the airfield are in a subclass called seaplane. Amphibians and amphibians are usually divided into two categories based on their technological characteristics: floatplanes and flying boats; the latter are generally much larger and can carry much more. The aircraft is sometimes called hydroplanes , but currently this term applies to motor-powered motorboats using hydrodynamic lift techniques to skim the waterline when walking at speed.

Their use was gradually winding after World War II, in part due to investment at airports during the war. In the 21st century, amphibious aircraft retain several niche uses, such as for dropping water in forest fires, air transport around the archipelago, and access to undeveloped or non-road areas, some of which have many lakes.

Video Seaplane


The word "seaplane" is used to describe two types of air/water vehicles: floatplane and flying boat.

  • The float plane has a slender pontoon, or buoy, mounted under the fuselage. Two floats are common, but other configurations are possible. Only floats from the floating plane are usually in contact with water. The fuselage remains on the water. Some small ground planes can be modified into floating planes, and in general, airplanes are small planes. Floatplanes are limited by their inability to handle wave heights typically greater than 12 inches (0.31 m). This buoy adds empty weight from the plane and to the drag coefficient, resulting in reduced load capacity, slower climbing rates, and slower cruising speeds.
  • In a flying boat, the main source of buoyancy is the fuselage, which acts like a ship's hull in the water because the bottom of the plane has been hydrodynamic to allow water to flow around it. Most aircraft have small buoys installed in their wings to keep them stable. Not all small amphibious planes have floated, but most large amphibious planes have flown ships, with their weight supported by their hulls.

The term "seaplane" is used by some as a "plane" replacement. This is the use of English standards. This article treats both airplanes and floatplanes as a type of seaplane, in US mode.

An amphibious plane can take off and land both on conventional runways and water. Seaplane can only just take off and land in the water. There are amphibious seaplanes and seaplanes, as well as some hybrid designs, for example. , floatplanes with a retractable buoy.

Modern amphibian aircraft most often are light aircraft, amphibians, and aircraft designs.

Maps Seaplane


Initial pioneer

The Frenchman Alphonse PÃÆ'Ã… © naud filed the first patent for glyphs with a ship hull and landing gears backwards in 1876, but Austria Wilhelm Kress was credited with building the first seaplane, Drachenflieger, in 1898, Daimler's 30 hp engine was inadequate for take-off, and then drowned when one of the two floats collapsed.

On June 6, 1905, Gabriel Voisin took off and landed on the River Seine with a kite flying over the buoy. The first of the powerless flights is 150 yards (140 m). He then built a powerful aircraft in partnership with Louis Bla  © riots, but the machine did not succeed.

Other pioneers also tried to attach aircraft to aircraft in the UK, Australia, France and the United States.

On March 28, 1910, the Frenchman Henri Fabre flew the first successful amphibious aircraft, the Gnome Omega's hydravion geese, a trimaran floatplane. The first successful Fabre to take off and land with a powerful amphibious aircraft inspired the other pilots, and he designed the buoy for some other leaflets. The first hydro-airplane competition was held in Monaco in March 1912, featuring planes using buoys from Fabre, Curtiss, Tellier and Farman. This led to the first scheduled amphibious passenger service, at Aix-les-Bains, using a five-seater Sanchez-Besa from August 1, 1912. The French navy ordered the first float plane in 1912.

In 1911-12, FranÃÆ'§ois Denhaut built the first seaplane with a fuselage to form a hull, using various designs to provide hydrodynamic lifting during takeoff. His first successful flight was on April 13, 1912. Throughout 1910 and 1911, pioneering American pioneer Glenn Curtiss developed his fire plane into successful Curtiss Model D ground planes, using larger center buoys and sponsors. Combining floats with wheels, he made his first amphibious flight in February 1911 and was awarded the first Collier Trophy for the achievement of US aviation. From 1912, his experiments with sealed amphibians produced the Model 1913 and Model F, which he called "flying saucers". In February 1911, the United States Navy took delivery of the Curtiss E Model and immediately tested the landing on and take off of the ship, using Curtiss Model D.

In England, Captain Edward Wakefield and Oscar Gnosspelius began investigating the possibility of a flight from the water in 1908. They decided to utilize Windermere in the Lake District, the largest lake in England. The first attempt made to fly attracted a large crowd, even though the plane failed to take off and needed a redesign of a buoy that incorporated Borwick's fast hull features. Meanwhile, Wakefield ordered a floating plane similar to the 1910 Fabre Hydravion design. In November 1911 both Gnosspelius and Wakefield had aircraft capable of flying from the water and waiting for suitable weather conditions. The Gnosspelius flight was short-lived, when the plane crashed into the lake. The Wakefield pilot, however, took advantage of the light northern winds, managed to take off and fly at 50 feet (15 m) to the Ferry Nab, where he swung wide and returned for a perfect landing on the surface of the lake.

In Switzerland, Emile Taddà © oli completed the Dufaux 4 biplane with a swimmer and managed to take off in 1912. Seaplane was used during the Balkan War in 1913, when a Greek "Astra Hydravion" conducted a reconnaissance of the Turkish fleet and dropped four bombs.

Birth industry

In 1913, the newspaper Hours posted a £ 10,000 reward for the first non-stop Atlantic air crossing, which was soon "increased by more" than Women's Aerial League of Great Britain >.

American businessman Rodman Wanamaker became determined that the prize should go to an American plane and commission Curtiss Airplane and Motor Company to design and build a plane capable of flying. The development of Curtiss on the Flying Fish aircraft in 1913 brought it into contact with John Cyril Porte, a retired Royal Navy Lieutenant, designer and pilot of an aircraft that pioneered the influential British aviation. Recognizing that many of the initial accidents were caused by poor understanding of handling when in contact with water, this couple's efforts entered into the development of practical hull designs to enable transatlantic crossings.

Two years before the First World War, the fugitive also saw a pair of bipolar Benoist XIV aircraft personally designed by Thomas W. Benoist, commencing the start of the first heavier air service from the air anywhere in the world, and the first airline of any service in United States of America.

At the same time, the British shipbuilding company J. Samuel White of Cowes on the Isle of Wight established a new aircraft division and produced an airplane in the UK. It was shown at the London Air Show in Olympia in 1913. That same year, a collaboration between SE Saunders East Cowes shipyard and Sopwith Aviation Company produced "Bat Boat", a plane with a consuta laminate hull that could operate from the ground or above water, which today is called an amphibious plane. "Bat Boat" completed several landings at sea and on land and was awarded the Mortimer Singer Prize. This aircraft is the first aircraft capable of making six flights home more than five miles in five hours.

In the United States, Wanamaker's commission builds on the development and experience of Glen Curtiss's earlier experience with Model F Curtiss for the US Navy, which quickly produced America, designed under the supervision of Porte after his studies and re-arrangement of flight plans; The plane is a conventional biplane design with two-bay, unimpeded wings of unequal range with two inline pusher engines mounted side by side on the fuselage in the interplanetary gap. The front wing pontoats are mounted directly under the bottom wing near their ends. The design (later developed into Model H) resembles the earlier Curtiss aircraft but is built much larger so it can carry enough fuel to cover 1,100 mi (1,800 km). Three crew members were accommodated in a fully enclosed cabin.

The American trial began June 23, 1914 with Porte as well as the Chief Pilot Test; testing immediately reveals serious flaws in the design; it's under powered, so the engine is replaced with a more powerful tractor engine. There is also a tendency for aircraft noses to try to dive as engine power increases as it slides over water. This phenomenon has never happened before, because the previous Curtiss design did not use such a powerful engine or a large and relatively lighter fuel/cargo load. To cope with this effect, Curtiss put fins to the side of the bow to add hydrodynamic lift, but soon replaced it with a sponge, a kind of underwater pontoffin mounted in pairs on both sides of the hull. These sponsors (or equivalent engines) and hulled hulls, will remain a key feature of the hull's design in the coming decades. With the problem resolved, preparation of the crossing continues. While the plane was found to handle "heavy" at the time of take-off, and required a longer takeoff distance than expected, the full moon on 5 August 1914 was chosen for trans-Atlantic flights; Porte is to test America with George Hallett as a co-pilot and mechanic.

World War I

Curtiss and Porte's plans were disrupted by the outbreak of World War I. Porte sailed to England on August 4, 1914 and rejoined the Navy as a member of the Royal Naval Air Service. Appointed as Commander of Royal Air Station Squadron Hendon, he immediately convinced Admiralty of the potential of the aircraft and was deployed at the naval air station at Felixstowe in 1915. Porte persuaded Admiralty to confiscate (and later, buy) America and you woman from Curtiss. This was followed by orders for 12 more similar planes, one Model H-2 and the rest as Model H-4. The last four examples were collected in England by Saunders. All this is similar to the America design and, indeed, it's all referred to as America in the Royal Navy service. The engine, however, was converted from a 160-horsepower Curtiss engine into a 250 hp Rolls-Royce Falcon engine. The initial batch followed by orders for 50 more (total 64 Americans overall during the war). Porte also obtained permission to modify and experiment with Curtiss aircraft.

Curtiss H-4 was soon found to have a number of problems; they are less energetic, their stomach is too weak for sustainable operations, and they have poor handling characteristics when floating or taking off. One of the aircraft pilots, Major Theodore Douglas Hallam, wrote that they were "comic machines, weighing under two tons, with two comic engines, when they functioned, 180 horsepower, and comic control, became heavy noses with engines and tails weight in sliding. "

At Felixstowe, Porte made advances in aircraft design and developed a practical hull design with distinctive "Felixstowe notch". The first design of the Porte to be implemented in Felixstowe is Felixstowe Porte Baby, a large three-engined biplane, powered by one of the central pusher and two Rolls-Royce Eagle tractor engines.

The porte modifies H-4 with a new hull that enhances the hydrodynamic qualities that make it glide, take off and land much more practically and call it Felixstowe F.1.

Porte's innovation of "Felixstowe notch" allows the aircraft to overcome the suction from the water faster and break free to fly much more easily. This makes the operation much more secure and more reliable. The breakthrough of the "position" will soon after it develops into a "step", with the lower back of the lower hull sharply hidden above the lower portion of the lower hull, and that characteristic characterizes both hulls and seaplanes. The resulting aircraft will be large enough to carry enough fuel to fly long distances and can be anchored alongside the ship to pick up more fuel.

Porte then designed the same hull for the larger Curtiss H-12 flying boat, and more capable than the H-4, sharing the failures of the weak stomach and poor water handling. The new combination of hulls designed by Porte, this time equipped with two steps, with new H-12 wings and tail, and powered by two Rolls-Royce Eagle engines, named Felixstowe F.2 and first flown in July 1916, superior to Curtiss's base. It is used as the basis for all future designs. It entered production as Felixstowe F.2A, which was used as a patrol aircraft, with about 100 completed by the end of World War I. Seventy others were built, and this was followed by two F.2c, built in Felixstowe.

In February 1917, the first prototype Felixstowe F.3 was flown. It's bigger and heavier than F.2, providing greater range and heavier bomb loads, but worse agility. About 100 Felixstowe F.3s were produced before the end of the war.

The Felixstowe F.5 is intended to combine the good qualities of F.2 and F.3, with the first flying prototype in May 1918. The prototype shows superior quality to its predecessor but, in order to facilitate production, the production version has been modified. to make extensive use of components from F.3, which results in lower performance than F.2A or F.5.

The final design of the Porte at the Seaplane Experimental Station is a 123-foot long Felixstowe Fury plane (also known as "Porte Super-Baby" or "PSB").

F.2, F.3, and F.5 aircraft are widely used by the Royal Navy for coastal patrols and to search for German U-ships. In 1918, they were drawn towards a match to the port of northern Germany to expand their reach; on June 4, 1918, this resulted in three F.2As engaged in aerial combat with ten German seaplanes, shot down two confirmed and four possibilities without loss. As a result of this action, the British airplanes are fascinating to aid identification in combat.

Curtiss Airplane and Motor Company independently developed its designs into a smaller Model F, larger Model K (some of which are sold to Russian Navy Air Services), and Model C for the US Navy. Curtiss, among others, also built Felixstowe F.5 as the Curtiss F5L, based on the final Porte hull design and powered by an American Liberty machine.

Meanwhile, the design of the pioneering airplane from FranÃÆ'§ois Denhaut has been developed steadily by the French-British Aviation Company into a series of practical handicrafts. Smaller than Felixstowes, several thousand FBAs serve almost all Allied forces as reconnaissance aircraft, patrolling the North Sea, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Seas.

In Italy, several amphibious planes were developed, starting with the L series and continuing with the M. The Macchi M.5 series, in particular, were highly maneuverable and agile and matched the ground planes they had to fight. Two hundred and forty-four were built in total. Toward the end of World War I, the planes were flown by the Italian Navy Flight, the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps aviators. Ensign Charles Hammann won the first Medal of Honor awarded to US naval aviators in M.5

The German aircraft manufacturing company Hansa-Brandenburg built an aircraft that began with the Hansa-Brandenburg GW model in 1916, and had a military success rate with a two-seat two-seat buoy seat in Hansa-Brandenburg the following year, becoming the main aircraft flown by the German Imperial the famous, 13 victories of maritime warrior, Friedrich Christiansen. The Austro-Hungarian company Lohner-Werke began building airplanes, starting with Lohner E in 1914 and later versions of Lohner L (1915) influential.

Between the war

In September 1919, the British company Supermarine began operating the world's first ship service, from Woolston to Le Havre in France, but short-lived.

A Curtiss NC-4 became the first plane to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1919, crossing through the Azores. Of the four who made the effort, only one completed the flight.

In 1923, the first successful commercial aircraft service was introduced, with flights to and from the Channel Islands. The UK aviation industry is experiencing rapid growth. The government decided that nationalization was necessary and ordered five airlines to join to form the state-owned Imperial Airways of London (IAL). IAL became the British airline carrying international flags, providing passenger aircraft and mail transport network between England and South Africa using aircraft such as Short S.8 Calcutta.

In 1928, four Supermarine Southampton flying planes from RAF Far East aircraft arrived in Melbourne, Australia. The flight was seen as evidence that the aircraft had evolved into a reliable means of long-distance transport.

In the 1930s, flying boats made it possible to have regular air transport between the US and Europe, opening new air travel routes to South America, Africa and Asia. Foynes, Ireland, and Botwood, Newfoundland, and Labrador are the terms for many early transatlantic flights. In areas where there are no airfields for ground-based aircraft, aircraft can stop on small islands, rivers, lakes or coastal stations to refuel and supply. The Pan Am Boeing 314 "Clipper" aircraft carrying exotic destinations like Far East within reach of air travelers and coming to represent the romance of flight.

In 1931, letters from Australia reached England in just 16 days - less than half the time taken by sea. In that year, government tenders on both sides of the world invited applications to run passenger services and new mail between the end of the Empire, and Qantas and IAL succeeded with a joint bid. A company under joint ownership was then formed, Qantas Empire Airways. The new ten-day service between Rose Bay, New South Wales, (near Sydney) and Southampton was such a success with short-term letter writers, the volume of mail exceeded aircraft storage space.

The solution to this problem was discovered by the British government, which in 1933, had asked the manufacturer of the Short Brothers flight to design a new large long distance monoplane for use by IAL. The Qantas partners approved the initiative and purchased six Short S23 C, or Empire, aircraft classes.

Sending mail as quickly as possible generates a lot of competition and some innovative designs. One variant of the Short Empire flying craft is Maia and Mercury that look strange. The plane is a four-engine "Mercury" airplane (winged messenger) mounted on "Maia", a very modified short-flying boat. The larger maia takes off, bringing the smaller Mercury loaded into a larger load than it can do. This allows Mercury to bring enough fuel to trans-Atlantic flights directly by post. Unfortunately, this is of limited use, and Mercury must be returned from America by ship. Mercury has set some distance records before refueling in aircraft is adopted.

Sir Alan Cobham devised a method of refueling in the air in the 1930s. In the air, the Short Empire can be filled with more fuel than can be done. The imperial short ships serving the cross-Atlantic crossings are replenished over Foynes; with an extra fuel load, they can make direct trans-Atlantic flights. The Handley H.P.54 Harrow page is used as a fuel tanker.

The German Dornier Do-X flying boat feels different from its counterparts in the UK and US. It has a wing-like bulge from the fuselage, called a sponsor, to stabilize it in water without the need to float wing-mounted outboard. This feature was pioneered by Claudius Dornier during World War I on Dornier Rs. I flew in a giant boat and perfected at Dornier Wal in 1924. The big Do X is powered by 12 engines and carries 170 people. Fly to America in 1929, across the Atlantic via an indirect route. It was the largest aircraft of its time, but it was very weak and limited by a very low operational ceiling. Only three were built, with a variety of different machines installed, in an attempt to overcome power shortages. Two of them are sold to Italy.

World War II

The military value of airplanes is well recognized, and every country bordering on water operates them in military capacity at the time of war breaking. They are used in various tasks from anti-submarine patrols to sea-air rescue and gun shots for warships. Aircraft such as the Mariner PBM patrol bomber, PBY Catalina, Short Sunderland, and Grumman Goose managed to lower the pilots and operate as a scout aircraft over a very long distance from the Pacific and Atlantic Theater. They also drowned many submarines and found enemy ships. In May 1941, the German battleship Bismarck was discovered by Catalina PBY flying out of Archdale castle, Boatown Base, Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland.

The biggest flying boat of war is Blohm & amp; Voss BV 238, which was also the heaviest aircraft to fly during World War II and the largest aircraft built and flown by one of the Axis Powers.

In November 1939, the IAL was restructured into three separate companies: British European Airways, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), and British South American Airways (which joined the BOAC in 1949), with official changes made on 1 April 1940. BOAC continued to operate the aircraft service from (slightly) safe boundaries of Poole Harbor during the war, returning to Southampton in 1947. When Italy entered the war in June 1940, the Mediterranean closed for Allied planes and BOAC and Qantas operated the Horseshoe Route between Durban and Sydney using Short Empire.

Martin Company produced the prototype XPB2M Mars based on their Mariner PBM patrol bomber, with flight tests between 1941 and 1943. Mars was transformed by the Navy into a transport plane designated as XPB2M-1R. Satisfied with the performance, twenty of the modified JRM-1 Mars were ordered. The first, named Hawaii Mars , was sent in June 1945, but the Navy lowered their order back at the end of World War II, purchasing only five planes later on the production line. The fifth of Mars was completed, and the last one was delivered in 1947.


After World War II, the use of aircraft quickly declined for several reasons. The ability to land on water became less favorable due to the increase in the number and length of the runway during World War II. Further, as the speed and range of ground-based aircraft increased, the commercial competitiveness of flying boats was reduced; Their designs compromise the aerodynamic efficiency and speed for achieving takeoffs and waterborne landings. Competing with new civil aircraft jets such as de Havilland Comet and Boeing 707 proved impossible.

The Hughes H-4 Hercules, in development in the US during the war, was even larger than BV 238, but did not fly until 1947. "Spruce Goose", like the 180-ton H-4, is the largest flying aircraft ever to fly. Conducted during a Senate hearing into the use of Hughes government funds in its construction, a short leap about a mile (1.6 km) at 70 feet (21 m) above water by "Flying Lumberyard" was claimed by Hughes as a justification of his efforts. Reductions in postwar spending and loss of missions intended as transatlantic transport leave them aimlessly.

In 1944, the Royal Air Force initiated the development of a small jet-powered aircraft intended for use as an optimized Pacific air defense aircraft, where relatively calm sea conditions made amphiper use easier. By making a jet-powered aircraft, it's possible to design it with the hull instead of making it a float plane. The Saunders-Roe SR/A prototype first flew in 1947 and was relatively successful in terms of performance and handling. However, by the end of the war, carrier-based aircraft became more sophisticated, and the need for SR.A/1 evaporated.

During the Berlin Airlift (which lasted from June 1948 to August 1949), ten Sunderlands and two Hythes were used to transport goods from Finkenwerder at Elbe near Hamburg to isolated Berlin, landing at Havelsee beside RAF Gatow until the ice was over. Sunderlands are mainly used for transporting salt, because their airframes are already protected from corrosion from seawater. Transporting salt on a standard aircraft is risking rapid and severe structural corrosion in the event of a spill. In addition, three Aquila flying boats are used during transportation. This is the only known operational use of airplanes in central Europe.

The US Navy continued to operate aircraft (notably Martin P5M Marlin) until the early 1970s. The Navy even attempted to build a jet-powered seaplane, Martin Seamaster.

BOAC stopped the aircraft service from Southampton in November 1950.

Against the trend, in 1948, Aquila Airways was established to serve a goal that is still inaccessible to a ground plane. The company operates the short S.25 and Short S.45 short flights from Southampton with routes to Madeira, Las Palmas, Lisbon, Jersey, Majorca, Marseille, Capri, Genoa, Montreux and Santa Margherita. From 1950 to 1957, Aquila also operates services from Southampton to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Aquila Airways flying boats are also hired for one trip, usually to deploy troops where scheduled services do not exist or where there are political considerations. The longest charter, in 1952, originated from Southampton to the Falkland Islands. In 1953, the boats were hired for troop travel to Freetown and Lagos, and there was a special trip from Hull to Helsinki to relocate the ship's crew. The airline ceased operations on September 30, 1958.

The technically advanced Saunders-Roe Princess first flew in 1952 and then received an airworthiness certificate. Despite being the peak of the development of the aircraft, no one was sold, although Aquila Airways reportedly tried to buy it. Of the three Princesses that were built, the two never flew, and everything was canceled in 1967. In the late 1940s, Saunders-Roe also produced a jet-sized SRA/1 fighter jet, which did not progress beyond the flying prototype..

Ansett Australia operated the aircraft service from Rose Bay to Lord Howe Island until 1974, using Short Sandringhams.

On December 18, 1990, Pilot Tom Casey completed his first world tour in an airplane with a water landing using only Cessna 206 named Liberty II.

Flying the seaplane of the future, the Icon A5 - YouTube

Usage and operation

Many modern civil aircraft have variants of floatplane, usually for light transport to lakes and other remote areas. Most are offered as third party modifications under additional type certificates (STCs), although there are several aircraft manufacturers that build floatplanes from scratch, and some that continue to build aircraft. Many older airplanes continue to operate for firefighting, and Chalk's Ocean Airways operates the Grumman Mallards fleet in passenger service until service is suspended after an accident on December 19, 2005, related to maintenance, not to design aircraft. Water-based pure amphibians are largely replaced by amphibious planes.

Amphibious aircraft can only take off and land on water with little or no wave action and, like other planes, have difficulty in extreme weather. The size of the given design wave can last depending on, among other factors, the size of the plane, the design of the hull or floating, and the weight, all makes for a much more unstable aircraft, limiting the actual operational day. Flying boats can usually handle rougher water and are generally more stable than floatplanes while in the water.

Rescue organizations, such as coastguards, are among the largest modern amphibious aircraft operators due to their efficiency and ability to find and rescue victims. Land-based aircraft can not save victims, and many helicopters are limited in their capacity to bring survivors and in their fuel efficiency compared to fixed wing aircraft. (Helicopters may also be equipped with buoys to facilitate their use in water, although they are not referred to as seaplanes.) This is even more limited in range.

Air plane is also often used in remote areas such as the Alaskan and Canadian wilderness, especially in areas with large numbers of lakes that are comfortable to take off and land. They may operate on a charter basis, provide scheduled services, or be operated by local residents for personal and personal use. In the western hemisphere, there are many seaplane operators in the Caribbean Sea that offer services within or among island groups.

Bahamas Seaplane Charters, Private Charters Bahamas - Keys Seaplanes

See also

  • amphibious plane
  • Floating plane
  • Flying boat
  • List of seaplanes and amphibians
  • List of seaplane operators
  • Help cruisers
  • Vehicle ground effect
  • Seaplane tender
  • IAR 111

6 seaplanes at Mazury Airshow - Seaplane International


Source of the article : Wikipedia
