Kamis, 07 Juni 2018

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein is running for reelection. The left isn't ...
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Dianne Feinstein is the current senior senator in the US Senate representing California. Prior to his time in the Senate, he ran for California Governor, and Mayor of San Francisco. Feinstein tends to be seen as moderate in the Senate. He has worked to ban the possession of civilian firearms, and to get a share of the California Desert Protection Act to preserve the wilderness. He chose to authorize the use of military force in Iraq in 2002, and has stated that he is a supporter of the Patriot Act.

Video Political positions of Dianne Feinstein


On October 1, 2008, Feinstein voted in favor of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act.

Maps Political positions of Dianne Feinstein

Cabinet promise

In November 2007, Feinstein was one of only six Democrats to choose to confirm Michael Mukasey as Attorney General.

California Shocker: Dianne Feinstein Drops Opposition to Cannabis ...
src: d3atagt0rnqk7k.cloudfront.net


Feinstein has supported Hollywood and the content industry when it has become a conflict with technology and fair use on intellectual property issues. In 2006, he co-sponsored the "PERFORM Act", or "Equality Platform and Remedies for Rightsholders in the Music Act of 2006", in the Senate, which would require satellite, cable and internet broadcasters to incorporate digital rights management technology into their transmissions. Over-the-air broadcasting will not be affected. Feinstein's consistent support of the content industry and attacks against fair use has gotten poorly with EFF and IPac.

Why Dianne Feinstein shouldn't run again
src: www.latimes.com

Crime and drug trafficking

Feinstein has taken a tough stance on international trade in his role as chairman of the Caucus Senate on International Narcotics Control. The caucus aims to stop trade from Mexico and Central America, as well as the Taliban drug trade from Afghanistan. In 2011, Feinstein signed the 2011 Border Linkage Prevention Act, building on a 2006 preceding action intended to enable federal and state law enforcement more ability to detect and stop the cross-border underground tunnel system coming to the US.

In October 2007, the US and Mexico entered into a relief program known as the MÃÆ' Â © rida Initiative, with about $ 1.5 billion awarded to Mexico by the US. The caucus wrote an extensive report in May 2011, citing the success and failure of the Mérida Initiative. According to the report, the United States needs to increase judicial sector aid for every Mexican nation, increase aid to Mexican law enforcement, and closely monitor the sale of firearms to ensure they can not be smuggled across borders.

According to another report written by Feinstein, as well as Charles Schumer and Sheldon Whitehouse, a large number of nearly 35,000 deaths from drug trafficking in Mexico occur with weapons that have been traced back to the US. The report recommends a number of solutions to help stop importing military-grade weapons into Mexico, including the introduction of background checks on unlicensed firearms sales at gun shows.

Another major recommendation, discussed in the second Romney-Obama debate, is the prohibition of assault weapons. The ban, originally signed in 1994 and ending in 2004, stopped the sale of weapons of attacks, armor piercing rounds, and high-capacity magazines to civilians. Feinstein believes the ban should resign, not only to stop violence in Mexico and California, but to reduce the number of gun violence in California, and across America.

National security concerns related to narcotics trade in Afghanistan; another report written by the Caucus of 2010 contains some recommendations on how to reduce the flow of opium from Afghanistan, and money coming into the Taliban. With the same recipe as the MÃÆ' Â © rida Initiative, the United States uses DEA officers in conjunction with military personnel in Afghanistan to root out the Taliban drug rulers. The practice of opium cultivation only succeeded in encouraging farmers to side with the Taliban, because their livelihoods were destroyed. The US is funding legitimate projects in Afghanistan in an effort to get the workforce from drug trafficking. The main problem in Afghanistan is corruption, reports estimate about $ 2.5 billion distributed in bribes per year. How the US will continue to combat drug production, as they reduce their military presence in the coming years, remains to be seen.

Feinstein has a strong position in narcotics trade, and he has been a major player in the drug war in the US, both domestically and internationally. California has a big hand in this conflict because it is at the forefront of many drug trafficking with Mexico, and most of the firearms movement to Mexico comes from California.

Dianne Feinstein's Policies Don't Represent California - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Death penalty

Feinstein opposes the death penalty. Prior to 2018, he supported the death penalty.

How Dianne Feinstein has taken on Trump since she got a major ...
src: www.latimes.com


Feinstein and Senator Alan Cranston worked for more than 10 years to pass California's Desert Protection Law. The bill was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994. The bill was protected at 7,661,089 hectares (31,003 km <2>) from the California desert land as wilderness and national parks. The law doubles the size of the National Desert Forest Conservation System in California, and is the largest wilderness bill in California history.

Senators Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are champions of the Wilderness Act Wilderness North California Coastal, signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 17, 2006. The bill protects 275,830 acres (1,116 km 2 ) from federal land as wilderness, and 21 miles (34 km) of rivers as wild and beautiful rivers, including popular areas such as King Range and Cache Creek. Senator Feinstein and Boxer worked with Representative Mike Thompson, a bill sponsor in the House, in a 5-year effort to pass legislation.

Feinstein, along with his colleague Boxer, voted in favor of subsidy payments to conventional commodity agricultural producers, at subsidized costs for conservation-oriented agriculture. More recently, Feinstein has not taken a stand against the much criticized subsidies in the US Farm Bill of 2007.

California Democrats Deny Dianne Feinstein Their Endorsement for ...
src: theintercept.imgix.net

International relations

Feinstein supported the resolution of the Iraq war in the October 11, 2002 ballot; he has since claimed that he was misled by President Bush about the reasons for going to war. However, the former United Nations Weapon weapon in Iraq Scott Ritter stated that Feinstein in the summer of 2002 admitted to him that he knew the Bush administration did not provide convincing intelligence to support its claim of weapons of mass destruction.

In February 2007, Feinstein warned Republicans not to block consideration of action against President Bush's rise in Iraq, saying it would be "a big mistake" to prevent a debate over a major issue in America.

In May 2007, Feinstein elected the Emergency Appropriation Supplement law, which continued to fund the occupation of Iraq without a definite timeframe for withdrawal. The senator said, "I am very disappointed that this bill fails to hold the President accountable for the government's flawed Iraqi government policy.The Americans have made their voices clear that there should be an exit strategy for Iraq, but this President has stubbornly obeyed more and more things same. "

California doesn't need a provocateur in the Senate. It needs a ...
src: www.latimes.com

Free speech

He is the main Democrat sponsor of the failed 2006 Amendment to the Decentralization of the Constitution.

He also chose McCain-Feingold's law.

In 2007, Feinstein was asked in Fox News interviews whether he would revive the Doctrine of Justice, and he replied that he was looking at it.

In 2010, Feinstein voted in favor of US unilateral censorship of the internet with voting in favor of COICA. Also in 2010, Feinstein said in connection with Cablegate, "Anyone who releases this information should be severely punished."

In 2013, Feinstein called for immediate extradition and the arrest of Edward Snowden, the fact-finding who leaked information about PRISM's oversight program.

HRC Endorses California Senator Dianne Feinstein for Re-Election ...
src: assets2.hrc.org

The political gun

Feinstein has undergone two assassination attempts as a member of the San Francisco Supervisory Board, where Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were killed while in office. In 1993, Feinstein, along with Representative Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy (who lost two of his brothers for murder), led a battle to ban many of the semi-automatic weapons that were considered as attacking weapons and limited sales. high-capacity magazines. The ban was ratified as part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994.

In 2004, when the ban was set to expire, Feinstein sponsored the 10 year extension of the ban as an amendment to the Legal Trade Protection in the Weapon Deed; while the amendment was successfully added, the action itself failed. The action was later revived in 2005, and, despite Feinstein's best efforts, was passed without an extension of the bans. In response to the Sandy Hook School massacre, Senator Feinstein has reintroduced legislation to restore the ban on attack weapons, as well as many more restrictions.

Discussing why the 1994 action only prohibited the manufacture or import of weapons of attack, not possession and sale of the weapon, Feinstein told 60 Minutes CBS-TV, February 5, 1995, "If I can get 51 votes in the Senate from the United States for a direct ban, take all of them Mr and Mrs States, give it all up, I will do it.I can not do that.Sounds are not here. "

In July 2006, Feinstein voted against the Vitter Amendment to prohibit federal funds used for legally owned firearms seizure in the event of a disaster.

On 27 April 1995, at the Senate Judiciary Committee on "Terrorism in the United States," Feinstein stated that - in the early 1970s he applied, and received, a license to carry a hidden pistol after he and his family were threatened and their home was attacked physically by a local terrorist group called the New World Liberation Front. As Feinstein stated to the Senate panel:

"I just wanted to give you a personal anecdote about terrorism, because less than 20 years ago, I was the target of a terrorist group, it was the New World Liberation Front, they blew up a power plant and put a bomb in my house when my husband is dying of cancer and the bomb will be blown up at two in the morning, but it's an explosive construction explosive when it falls below freezing, usually frozen in San Francisco, but tonight, down below freezing, and bombs not to explode.I was very lucky but I thought about what might have happened Then the same group shot out all my windows home.
And I know the sense of helpless people feel. I know the urge to arm myself, because that's what I do. I was trained in firearms. I will walk to the hospital when my husband is sick. I carry a hidden weapon. I made a determination that if someone would try to take me out, I would take them with me.
Now after saying all that, it was a period of time ago, and I have watched for 20 years when terrorism has increased, both in left extremists and right extremists in the country, and especially in my country - I never thought I will live in a country where we have to issue a bomb summary every year, but we do, today. "

Feinstein claimed to have licensed and revolvered the police in 1982, after the New World Liberation Front ceased to be a threat to him.

In January 2013, Feinstein, along with Representative Carolyn McCarthy of New York, proposed a bill that would "ban the sale, transfer, manufacture or import of 150 specific firearms, including semi-automatic rifles or pistols that can be used with removable or repair magazines ammunition that has more than 10 rounds and has special military style features, including grip gun, grenade launcher or rocket launcher ". The bill has exceptions to 900 special weapon models used in hunting and sports. Feinstein commented on the issue by saying, "The massacre has taken place in business, law practice, malls, cinemas, and especially schools.The massacre does not seem to stop, they continue, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Tuson, and Oak Creek. in each of these shootings are shooters who use semi-automatic assault rifles or large-capacity ammunition magazines.The military assault rifles have only one purpose and I think that's for the military. "

In response to the Orlando 2016 nightclub shooting, Feinstein called it a "terrible terrorist attack", and offered to work with federal agencies to provide resources.

Gun violence has defined Sen. Dianne Feinstein's career. The issue ...
src: www.latimes.com

Health care

Feinstein has supported the Affordable Care Act, repeatedly choosing to defeat initiatives devoted to it.

He has chosen to support the setting of tobacco as a medicine; expanding the Children's Health Insurance Program; putting aside the presidential veto to add 2 to 4 million children to SCHIP requirements; increase Medicaid rebates to produce generic drugs; negotiate large purchases for Medicare prescription drugs; enable re-import of Rx drugs from Canada; allow patients to demand HMO & amp; collect punitive damages; including prescription drugs under Medicare; Medicare means-testing; etc. He has voted against Medicare, tax & amp; Paul Ryan Budget. spending cuts; allowing Indians to opt out of federal health care; etc. Congressional notes Feinstein was rated as "88%" by the American Public Health Association (APHA), a figure that significantly reflects the percentage of time a deputy chooses the position chosen by the organization.

At a meeting of the April 2017 city hall in San Francisco, Feinstein stated, "If single-payer health care would mean a wholly government takeover of all health care, I'm not there."

The real reasons Congress can't act on guns or immigration ...
src: cdn.cnn.com


Feinstein is a supporter and sponsor of the H-1B Visa program. After strongly opposing AgJobs immigration provisions in 2005, warning that they would encourage illegal immigration from Mexico, he reversed his position, when the measures were proposed again, in 2008.

Will politics pass by Sen. Dianne Feinstein as both parties veer ...
src: www.latimes.com

NSA's program of intelligence and programs

The first week of June 2012, Feinstein said that the "avalanche of leaks" that occurred in connection with US intelligence affairs "is very, very disturbing.You know, it's disappointing our allies.This puts American life in jeopardy.This puts the security of our country in danger. "

Together with the other congressional overseers, Feinstein vowed to stop the leak. One week later, he co-sponsored, with Senator Saxby Chambliss, S. 3314: . It is not known whether the bill is related to the exercise to stop the leak.

Following the disclosure of a mass supervision of 2013 that involved being operated by the National Security Agency (NSA), Feinstein took steps to continue the collection program. Foreign Policy writes that it has a "reputation as a defender of NSA's persistent practices and the White House's refusal to stand up with collection activities targeting foreign leaders". In October 2013, he criticized the NSA for monitoring calls from friendly foreign leaders to the United States. In November 2013, it promotes the Fisa Increasing Law Bill, which includes "provision of back door search" that allows intelligence agencies to continue certain unsecured searches during their entry and is "available for review" for agencies.

In June 2013, Feinstein labeled Edward Snowden a traitor after his leak was published. In October of that year, Feinstein stated that he stood beside his labeling.

On November 12, 2013, Feinstein introduced the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (S. 1681; 113th Congress). The bill will authorize allocations for fiscal year 2014 for US government intelligence activities. The bill would authorize there to fund intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency, but separate allocation laws must also be continued so that they can receive the money. Feinstein said that "Congress has a responsibility to ensure the DNI and other intelligence leaders have the resources and flexibility they need to protect the nation."

Could Dianne Feinstein Face a Democratic Challenge in 2018? | The ...
src: ww2.kqed.org

LGBT issues

The Human Rights Campaign gave Feinstein a 92% rating in the 111th Congress, showing strong support from the HRC slate for legislative issues of pro-gay rights.

Mayor Feinstein vetoed the domestic partnership law in 1982. This law will provide insurance benefits for city co-lovers who live together.

Feinstein introduced the bill to deprive the Defense of Marriage Act, Respect for the Marriage Act, in the 112th Congress. The bill was passed from the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 10, 2011.

He does not support the United Family Family Law, but introduces private laws to stay with same-sex couples.

I have nothing bad to say about Dianne Feinstein,' Tom Steyer says ...
src: www.latimes.com


Feinstein has a "C-" rating of NORML for a voting history on causes related to cannabis. He considers marijuana as a "gateway drug", and has opposed the legalization of medical marijuana without further research.

Kevin de León Struggles for Oxygen in Senate Run as Establishment ...
src: theintercept.imgix.net


Feinstein is the first Democratic co-sponsor of the bill to extend the US PATRIOT Act. In a statement in December 2005, Feinstein stated, "I believe the Patriot Act is very important to protect the American people."

Feinstein proposed an amendment to the Patriot Act to explicitly exclude US citizens from the detention authority created by Authorization for the Use of Military Forces passed after the September 11 attacks in 2001. The amendment failed 45-55.

Although its amendment was defeated, the compromised amendment, passed 99-1, insists that nothing in the NDAA is intended to change the current legal authority of the government to hold detainees captured in the war on terror.

California Senate leader Kevin de León is said to be leaning ...
src: www.latimes.com

Victim rights

Feinstein has become one of the strongest supporters of Congress for the rights of victims. In the 1990s, Feinstein was one of the original sponsors, along with Republican Senator Jon Kyl, of attempts to change the United States Constitution to protect the rights of victims in the trial. Although constitutional amendments ultimately failed, Senators Kyl and Feinstein wrote Scott Campbell, Stephanie Roper, Wendy Preston, Louarna Gillis and the 2004 Nila Lynn Criminal Victims Act, which included a victim's rights plan and provided mandamus assistance at the appeals court. for every victim to deny those rights. The action also offers sanctions against dishonest government officials and deliberately refuses to comply with the Criminal Justice Rights Act. Both Senators Kyl and Feinstein describe their collaboration as a high point of bi-partisan collaboration in their careers. In front of the Senate, Senator Kyl said, "This law will not exist before us today without Senator Feinstein.That is just a fact.For all the hard work we do with his cooperation and commitment to this, I thank very deep Senator Feinstein He knows that the bond of trust will continue to exist between us. "


In August 2007, Feinstein joined the Republican Party in the Senate in a vote to modify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by narrowing its scope of protection to sharply alter the legal limits on the government's ability to monitor phone calls and e-mail messages of Americans. Feinstein voted for the attorney general and the director of national intelligence, the power to approve international control of American communications entirely within the executive branch, rather than through a special intelligence court established by FISA. Many proponents of privacy have denounced this law and Feinstein's vote supports it. In February 2008, Feinstein joined the Republican Party in the Senate in a vote against the abolition of provisions giving immunity from civil liability to electronic communications service providers for specific assistance (in particular, unwarranted access to fiber optic cables carrying mass transmissions for interception purposes and monitoring) is provided to the Government.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
