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Portage or portaging is the practice of carrying water or cargo crafts on the ground, either around obstacles in the river, or between two bodies of water. The place where this brings happen is also called portage .

Early French explorers in New France and French Louisiana found many rapids and cascades. Native Americans bring their boats ashore to avoid river barriers.

Over time, important portages are sometimes provided with channels with keys, and even portage trains. Primitive drainage generally involves bringing the ship and its contents across portage in several trips. Small canoes can be photographed by bringing them upside down on one's shoulders and the center strut can be designed with a yoke style to facilitate this. Historically, cruises often use a stack line on their heads to carry loads on their backs.

Portages can be many kilometers long, such as 19-kilometer (12m) Methye Portage and 8.5 km (13.7 km). Grand Portage (both in North America) often includes hilly or difficult terrain. Some parts involve little alteration, such as the very short Mavis Grind in Shetland, which crosses a precarious land.

Video Portage


This section mostly deals with heavy payload canoes used by Voyageurs Canada.

Portage traces usually begin as traces of animals and are enhanced by tramping or blistering. In some places, zinc-lined wooden rails are laid out to pick up carts. Frequently used routes sometimes evolve into paths when sledges, rollers or oxen are used, as in Methye Portage. Sometimes railroads (Champlain and St Lawrence Railroad) or canals are built.

When going downstream through the rapids, an experienced cruiser called a guide will check out the rapids and choose between the heavy work of portage and the life-threatening risk of running rapids. If the second course is selected, the boat will be controlled by avant standing in front with a long paddle and standing at the back with a 2.7 meter (9 feet) steering wheel. The avant has a better view and is responsible but gouvernail has more control over the vessel. The other canoemen provide power under the instructions of the avant.

Going upstream is harder, because there are many places where currents are too fast to row. Where the riverbed is shallow and solid, the voyagers will stand in the canoe and push it upstream with a 3 meter (10 feet) pole. If the shoreline is clear enough, the canoe can be 'traced' or 'coated', ie, the cano pulls the canoe on the rope while one person stays on the boat to keep it away from the shore. (The most extreme case of tracking is at Three Gorges in China where all ships must be pulled upstream against the Yangtze River.) In worse conditions, the 'demi-chargÃÆ' Â ©' technique is used. Half of the load is lowered, the canoe is forced upstream, dismantled and then back downstream to take up the remaining half of the load. In an even worse stream, the entire load is lowered ('dÃÆ' Â © charge') and brought ashore while the canoe is forced upstream. In the worst case, full portage is required. The canoe was carried ashore by two or four people (heavier York boats had to be dragged ashore with rollers). The cargo is divided into a standard package of 41 kilograms (90 pounds) or piÃÆ'¨ces with each. man is responsible for about six. One packet will be carried by tumpline and one behind (strangulate hernia is a common cause of death). To allow regular breaks, the voyager will drop his backpack at poses approximately every 1 kilometer (0.5 mi) and return for the next load. The time for portage is estimated to be one hour per half mile.

Maps Portage



The Greco-Roman world

The Diolkos is an ancient Greek paved path that allows boats to be moved across the Corinthian Lands between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Gulf. It was built to transport Despots high ranks to do business in the judicial system. The 6.5 km (3.7 mi) long road up to 8.5 km (5.3 miles) is the basic form of the railway line, and operates from about 600 BC until the middle of the 1st century. The scale at which Diolkos combines the two principles of rail and land transport is unique in ancient times.

There is less literary evidence for two more vessel lines referred to as diolkoi in antiquity, both located in Roman Egypt: Doctor Oribasius (ca AD 320-400) notes two parts of his Xenocrates colleague of 1st century AD, where the latter is relaxed refers to a diolkos close to the port of Alexandria, which may lie at the southern tip of Pharos island. Another diolkos is mentioned by Ptolemy (90-168 AD) in his book on geography (IV, 5, 10) as the liaison of a false mouth of a partially overlapped Nile branch with the Mediterranean Sea.

Republic of Venice

The land connection between the Adige River and the Garda lake in northern Italy, hardly used by the smallest boat, was at least used by the Venetian Republic for the transport of a military fleet in 1439. The land routes are now somewhat difficult due to the loss of Loppio lake.


In the 8th, 9th, and 10th centuries, Viking merchants exploited aqueduct networks in Eastern Europe, with signs connecting the four most important rivers in the region: Volga, Western Dvina, Dnieper and Don. The portages of what is now Russia is very important to trade Varangian with East and Byzantium.

In the most important part (such as Gnezdovo) there are trading posts inhabited by a mix of Norse traders and indigenous people. The Khazars built Sarkel's fortress to guard the key portage between the Volga and Don. After the power of Varangian and Khazar in Eastern Europe was reduced, Slavic merchants continued to use ports along the Volga trade routes and the Dnieper trade routes.

The names of the cities of Volokolamsk and Vyshny Volochek can be translated as "portage on the Old River" and "small top", respectively ( volok meaning "portage" in Russian, derived from verb "to drag").

In the 16th century, Russians used the river to get to Siberia (see Cherdyn Road).

Scotland and Ireland

Tarbert is the name of public places in Scotland and Ireland showing portage sites.


Portage plays an important role in the economies of some African societies. For example, Bamako was chosen as the capital of Mali because it is located on the Niger River near the rapids that divide the Upper and Central Niger Valley.

North America

The place where portaging occurs often becomes temporary and then permanent settlements. The importance of free passage through Portage finds them included in law and agreement. One important historical hawker trade now is the Grand Portage National Monument. Recreational canoe routes often include inter-lake portages, for example, the Seven Carries route at Adirondack Park.

Many portages are being upgraded to lanes of traffic and trains due to their economic interests. The Niagara Portage had a gravity train in the 1760s. The line between Chicago and Des Plaines Rivers through a short swamp that seasonal floods and it is estimated that the channel is gradually developed accidentally from dragging the ship's bottom. 1835 Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad connects the cities of New York and Montreal without passing through the Atlantic.

Many settlements in North America are named for being in the harbor.


New Zealand

Source of the article : Wikipedia
