Self-induced abortion (or miscarriage caused by self ) is an abortion performed by the pregnant woman itself or with the help of other non-medical assistance. Although the term includes abortions triggered by over-the-counter medicines, it also refers to attempts to end a pregnancy through an alternative, sometimes more dangerous way. Such practices can pose a threat to women's health. If an abortion does not result in termination of pregnancy, damage to the fetus may occur.
Self-induced abortion is often attempted during the early stages of pregnancy (the first eight weeks of the last menstrual period). In recent years, significant reductions in maternal deaths and injuries caused by self-caused abortions have been linked to increased use of misoprostol (commercially known in "Cytotec"), inexpensive drugs, widely available with multiple uses, including post-partum treatment, stomach ulcers, and labor induction. The World Health Organization has authorized standard misoprostol regimens to induce abortion for up to 9 weeks of gestation. This regimen has proven to be 83% effective in terminating pregnancy.
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Women in India are reportedly using the following to induce abortion:
- Lifting heavy loads;
- Bone marrow consumption;
- Consumption of dry girlfriend powder;
- Consumption of carrot seed soup;
There are a number of narrations that describe self-induced abortion. Many of the following methods indicate significant hazards (see below) on a woman's life or health:
- physical deployment designed to bring a miscarriage
- bellyflopping to a hard surface, or throwing yourself down the ladder
- the attempt to remove a fetus with a steel wire coat hanger or similar device inserted into the uterus through the cervix (the historical use of this method has led to an example of its use as a pro-choice movement symbol, illustrating the danger of restrictions on medical abortion being medically administered)
- trying to stab a fetus with a knitting needle, crochet hook, pin cap, bobby pin or similar device inserted into the uterus through the cervix
- insertion of a rubber tube or catheter into the uterus and try to suck the fetus out, or alternatively, blow air into the uterus to cause a miscarriage (if tubes or catheters penetrate blood vessels, this sometimes causes air embolism, which can result fatal)
- ingestion of abortifacients, vitamin megadosage, pennyroyal or other substances believed to cause miscarriage
- douching with substances believed to cause miscarriages, such as turpentine, chlorokic bleach, or alkali, all of which can cause intense chemical burns (beginning in the 1960s, many women use Coca-Cola for this purpose, although its usefulness is on doubt best)
- vaginal pessarium
- yoga
- acupuncture at points associated with miscarriage
- hypothermia (many women will lie for a period of time in a pile of snow, which can be fatal to them) or hyperthermia (women will lie in a tub of hot water or even boil over a period of time, often with gin)
In a letter to the New York Times , gynecologist Waldo L. Fielding wrote:
A familiar symbol of illegal abortion is the famous "hangers" - which may be a symbol, but not a myth at all. In my years in New York, several women arrived with an extension hook. Anyone who puts it - perhaps the patient himself - finds it trapped in the cervix and can not get it out... However, not only the clothes hangers are used. Almost all the tools you can imagine have been used and used to start abortion - piercing needles, crochet hooks, glass salt cutters, soda bottles, sometimes intact, sometimes with broken tops.
Charles Jewett wrote The Practice of Obstetrics in 1901. In it, he stated, "Tansy oil and rue oil are highly relied upon by laity for the production of abortion, and almost every day people may read fatal results attending its use. tansy oil in large doses is said to evoke epileptic seizures, recently one of my colleagues met such a case in practice. "
In the 1994 documentary Without Mother: The Legacy of Loss from Illegal Abortion , Louis Gerstley, M.D., says that, in addition to knitting needles, some women will use the bicycle wheel or umbrella fingers. "Anything made of metal and long and thin will be used," he said. He states that a common complication of such a procedure is that it will pierce through the uterus and injure the intestine, and the women will die of peritonitis and infection. Later in the film he mentioned that potassium permanganate tablets are sometimes used. Tablets are inserted into the vagina where they cause chemical burns so strong that the hole may be left in the tissue. He claims the tablets leave the surrounding tissue in such a state that doctors who try to sew the wound can not do it because "the tissue is like trying to sew the jam." Dr. Mildred Hanson also explains the use of potassium permanganate tablets in the 2003 documentary Choice of Votes: Doctors Who Provide Abortion Before Roe v. Wade . She said, "women will bleed like crazy because it will only eat a big hole in the vagina."
Dr. David Reuben mentioned that many African women use carved wooden sticks to encourage, which are often inherited.
The attempt to insert dangerous objects into the uterus is very dangerous, as it can cause a puncture that causes septicemia. Swallowing or dressing up with harmful substances can have toxic results. Accepting a blow to the abdomen, whether self-inflicted or in the hands of others, can damage organs. In addition, less harmful methods - physical exertion, abdominal massage, and the consumption of relatively harmless substances that are suspected of causing a miscarriage - are less effective, and may result in the fetus developing birth defects. However, abdominal abdominal abortions are traditionally performed in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia.
Prostaglandin prescription misoprostol synthetic drugs - used in the US to treat gastric ulcers - are often used as abortifacient in self-caused abortions in Latin American countries where legal abortions are not available, and their use has also been observed in immigrant populations in New York.. Although proponents of this method consider it safer than those who use the insertion of objects or chemicals into the womb, they also note that failure to have an abortion with this method can cause a child to be born with a serious birth defect. Furthermore, the drug causes a drastic drop in blood pressure, and women may experience bleeding due to substance abuse for the purpose of abortion.
The current medical procedures are significantly more secure than traditional home-based methods, and are actually safer than giving birth.
Maps Self-induced abortion
The method of inducing abortion varies globally. About twenty-five million unsafe abortions occur every year. About 69,000 women die from unsafe abortions each year, though not all because of self-inflicted abortions.
Survivors of self-induced abortion can have long-term consequences related to their health. From 1995 to 2003, the total number of abortions including those supervised by medical personnel and people who declined independently. While maternal morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion continue to increase as population growth, in Latin America, from 2005 to 2012, there was a 31% reduction in the number of complications from unsafe abortion, from 7.7/1,000 to 5.3/1,000. Researchers believe that this may be due to the wide availability of misoprostol in Latin America.
The practice of self-induced abortion experiments has long been recorded in the United States. The 20th-century birth control lawyer, Margaret Sanger, wrote in her autobiography of the 1912 event in which she was called to care for a woman who was dying of such an attempt.
A study concluded in 1968 determined that more than 500,000 illegal abortions were committed annually in the United States, partly by women who acted alone. This study shows that the number of women who die of self-induced abortion exceeds that resulting from abortions performed by others. A 1979 study noted that many women who require hospitalization after self-induced abortion efforts are recognized under the pretext of having miscarried or spontaneous abortions.
The WHO estimates that about 22 million abortions continue to be unsafe every year, resulting in the deaths of some 47,000 women and disabled for an additional 5 million women. Almost all of these deaths and disabilities can be prevented through sexual education, family planning, and the provision of safe abortion services. Abortion pills, which began to be used by women themselves in Brazil in the 1980s, can prevent many of these deaths from unsafe abortions.
Source of the article : Wikipedia